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Cascais Surf + Future

Cascais Surf + Futuro

Which is?

Surfing is the anchor of this Job Camp, which includes other physical activities that promote a healthy lifestyle, in a “healthy body, healthy mind” logic, as well as resilience, transformation and brain plasticity.


The program helps in promoting self-knowledge and action, supporting the self-discovery of your purpose and helping to unlock the potential of the participants.


In addition to this, the possibility of listening to two inspirational speakers and also the acquisition of a set of tools and softskills that allow participants to reconnect to their professional path.


This Job Camp promotes self-discovery and helps unlock participants' potential.

O que é?
Para quem?

Which is?

Surfing is the anchor of this Job Camp, which includes other physical activities that promote a healthy lifestyle, in a “healthy body, healthy mind” logic, as well as resilience, transformation and brain plasticity.


The program helps in promoting self-knowledge and action, supporting the self-discovery of your purpose and helping to unlock the potential of the participants.


In addition to this, the possibility of listening to two inspirational speakers and also the acquisition of a set of tools and softskills that allow participants to reconnect to their professional path.


This Job Camp promotes self-discovery and helps unlock participants' potential.


Desconstruir as barreiras e os medos que nos impedem de concretizar o nosso potencial profissional. 

1ª semana do Programa.

O Pro


  • Aulas de Surf e Yoga semanais;

  • Coaching Individual– Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Profissional;

  • Coaching em grupo– Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Profissional;

  • Ações de Capacitação nas áreas de: 

    • Economia, Contabilidade e Finanças,

    • Comunicação e Marketing,

    • Procura ativa de emprego,

    • Gestão e Planeamento,

    • Empreendedorismo.





ferramenta transformadora base, com aprendizagens transversais



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Surf Social Wave Association

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